Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Hi guys
So in English we are reading a boring book called Gossmer
Its like a very horrid book
I h8 it
Anyways now i enjoy IMing my friends its rlly fun
Emily, Pinky(maria), Ky, Illina, elizabeth, and other ppl

add me to gmail@!!


Monday, May 10, 2010


Hey everyone :)
It's me saying hiii

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Chickies & other stuff

So today in Study hall was so funny.
So like kids kept asking for stuff.
(we r in the caf) and our study hal teacher was like Does anyone have (instert random school item here).
This happend like 5 times XD
hehe ♥
Anyways the rest of the day went normal. After school, Maria & Brett and I visted the very very cute chicks in Mrs.Higgin's classroom!!
One pooped on me though :P
So like eww.
It's so unfair that us Gemini students don't get to hatch chickies!!!! :(

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What I did today

Today was Mrs. DiMare's birthday.
And in science we made paper jumping froggie things!!!
I made 2 :)
I was going to get a fone case but i went over a friends instead.More later :)

Monday, May 3, 2010

What to do on this blog

Theres a lot to do on this blog
like read it, comment and stuff
so have fun :)


It's me again bored as usual


So guess wat is comming up (a lot of u may already know )

but dun dun dun

Theres a dance with 7th graders!

That mean a lot of people!


But I am still going

I like to dance hehe!
The pic is a cartoon of meee hehe


Hello World!!!!
Today was hot!!!!!
I kinda like this weather lol :)
Anyways today was kinda foring*
Foring- adjective ; boring & fun combined togother ei: Melissa had a foring day.
This guy talked and talked and talked (the seccond to last guy) so it was like Zzzzzzzzzz
haha I rlly wished tht I had my Sillybandz
Also today we are getting offers on my house! There was a lot of people at my house this week
Thats boring lol

BTW: I'm moving to a smaller house in Winchester.