Friday, April 29, 2011

65. its fridayy

gonnna get down on fridaayyy
heres with the suckish things in my life
  1. i have to go exrsize tomorrow
  2. got a bad grade of my french quiz
  3. gotten heatburn( i think)
  4. grandpa is still in da hospital
  5. i have to present my project on monday
  6. fcs quiz on tuesday
  7. weekend homework eww

Good things in life

  1. its fridayy
  2. weekend
  3. alsmost may
  4. its nice out

Yayyyyy for nicensss i love may i love nice weather i hate winer
*throws winter jakcet at iceleand ppl*
Flip flops omggg

okay ill shut tup

anthoow i am turing 14 *sigh* yes 14 thats 1-4 14 the big one four
7x2= 14

so 14

i willl have a super duper birthday party idk were thugh i have ideas
  • my dads aprapmet complex (has a pool)
  • sleepover my house

thats all i have hehhehhehehe omg lofjkrenfjkcn

notinhg else to say! toodles!


Thursday, April 28, 2011

64. thursdays

today ois thursday like omggg yay tomorrow is fridayyyz hehehhehehehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheheheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeheeeeehehhehehehehehehehhehehehehe
okay thats enough
well to add on to my thyings im excite bout
are not hopefull ughhhh


this blog post isnt ong and ik i have no rants to make..
so be happy idk wht im talking bout now

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

63. hiya

andd im back after doing homework and working on my project.
i have a private blog now
no1 can go in
wel its a diff blog tottally priv
i can only see it
it is like my own diray.
yeahh its just for me
i dnt like 2 write
i wont post about my friends (well maybe how nice you are and all that shiz)
anyhow this is my blog my public blog
i was looking back at posts and disovred tht i missed this blogs 1 year old bday
i feel bad to make it up
i will give a prize to anyone who comments below
the prizes are

1st comment: a friend ship bracelet tht u choose the colors of
and 2  paper cranes, an pencil, an easer and a grip
2nd comment: a paper crane, a pencil and a eraser
3trd comment: a pencil  and eraser
4th comment; an eraser

well get commenting
if you win p,lease email with
"i win i win" in the subject line
contest ends
May 21st 11:59 pm
good luck!


I decied to creat fanstatic fridays were i grive away stuff
credit to awesome blog btw

so basiclly  email and you my dear will win a prize
ask me a question and say the serect word in  the subject line

but i has rules

1. no cheating in any way
2. no whinning if u lose
3. serect word: moo-moo

it will be every friday and if i forget then sorryyy

ugh my grandpa isnt doing to well
ugh :( :(
be sadd



62. Busynwess

hey guys! i know its been a longg time since i posted! ive been really busy lately.
theres so much things i shoukd talk about now.. idk know how to even start!

well first of im gonna have a rant/ wht is going on in my life

seventh grade is coming to a close soon (well its almost the end of april)
and i dont want to go into 8th i like 7th grade. nicer teachers.

seccond, my grandpa is the hosptail im sad about this :(

im am like sick on skool
i miss april vacation :(

i just gave so much homework and projects
todays homework
-engish0 finish project
-math probelms out of book
-geo- none! yayyy
-sciebce lab
-french study

i am just sick of homework ik i shud be doing my homework now whicjh i will as soon as i finsh this blog post that will be long cuz im oh so nice

but heres some things im excited 4

1. my bday is in 54 days!
2. im getting comfrimed in may
3. my dad mite get a dog for his house
4. today is wendsday weekend is alomst here
5. enka is coming up

well  5 things to be excite for
my bday is in 54 days ik a long time but wht eves!
i cnt wait till may! its nice out
but on may 21 it will be 30 days
i am uber excited for my bday
i will be 14
its hard to belive!

off to do my stupidd homeworkk!