Thursday, June 10, 2010

All you need is love- the beatles

Check out the song. It's pretty good if your in love or you like love songs.I'm not weird for ling the betles I found the song on my ipod haha and i like it.Anyways  I have this song I made about someone I like a long time ago. Enjoy :)


By Melissa

What I want is for you


come right here

But all you do is run away

You don't get

That I like you

I know you know

and you like me but

come right here

 come right here yh yah

Close your eyes & I'll drag you here all

safe and sound

I remeber when I looked into your eyes

and saw L-O-V-E

But what you don't get is right here

You & Me talking in the hallways

Just you and me

Saying stuff that dosen't make sence

Like you always do

You never look up

to see my eyes

but I see yours

Friends giving me "there he is" look

Is what you don't get about me


Yeah yeah

he looks at me never think about what he says

but he never says


Love me

I really really wanna be loved by you

So just irgone my friends

and what they say about me

There just saying that

so you can love me

You & Me

all alone

in the hall way

Just talking about nothing that' important

not really caring

about what you say


I wannna love you

but ILY is one big word

Yes  it is

I wanna be your GF
But what you saying

doesn't adding up

What your saying

Is what I want

1 comment:

  1. Mellisa!! tht was awesome and I KNOW who it is about and ur totally rite hes like avioding the subject!
