Saturday, October 16, 2010

Another post

hey it's me again bored as usual
I called my phone 2000000 times (okay I extrauditled (sp?) the number there).
Still no answer just voicemail
They sent two texts & called my voice mail I checked from my verzion accnt fml
I'm still  in my pjs doing nothing just finshed my math homework
Why do we get homewrok on the weekends?? SO UNFAIR!!!!!
I've been thinking that I should post more. Like this could be my jornual but I wouldn't post private things on here (duhhhhh)
If I did create a private dirary or something, I would post it on word or something idk I'm not one of those people who keeps a private diary I do but I fail. I like make 10 entrys and that's it. LOL ik ik
I jump everytime the home phone rings hopeful that its my phone haha
This could also be a review of something like anything you want me to review
I'll make a seprarte page of reviews or something idk yet
Enough of my rambling I'm gonna make this a longggg blog post
I have to make this quick because my bros lunch wants to make me gaga the smell
10 min later
and a bottle of glade air fresher
So I'm gonna review the lunch food at McCall
if you think this is boring then go away

McCall Middle School Lunch

A review by melissa
I review this lunch about 5.5 stars out of 10
It's okay but now always good
Sone of the food is like gross

Well bye for now

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